Monitoring Suhu dan Konsumsi Energi AC Split Berbasis Blynk IoT
split AC, temperature, electrical consumption, NodeMCU ESP8266, Blynk IoT, monitoringAbstract
A split AC is an active cooling device designed to maintain thermal comfort in indoor spaces. The room temperature setpoint is a key factor influencing the energy consumption of the split AC. Manual temperature adjustment via remote control, when misaligned with the room's heat load, can lead to inefficient energy use. Therefore, a flexible monitoring and control system with remote and real-time access is essential. This study developed a temperature and energy consumption monitoring system for split ACs, utilizing IoT technology by integrating the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, DHT22 sensor, PZEM-016 sensor, and an infrared LED transmitter into the Blynk IoT platform. The system was tested on a 1 PK split AC in a 4 m x 4 m room with a setpoint temperature of 22 ºC over a 7-hour period. Test results indicated room temperature fluctuations between 21.5 ºC and 25.2 ºC within 100 minutes during AC on/off cycles, with a total energy consumption of 5.3 kWh and an average power consumption of 757 W. These findings highlight the significant potential of IoT technology in supporting smarter and more integrated energy management and split AC operations.
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